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Thursday, 9 July 2020

Thank you!

Psychiatry - the training tips blog

Over the past 3 months, this blog has had almost 3,000 reads in at least 20 different countries and across all continents. 

The first 8 posts included two introductory articles, followed by articles on CV writing, clinical experience, research, teaching/medical education, management and postgraduate qualifications.

There then followed a series of guest blogs from Psychiatrist colleagues at different stages of the career ladder and a blog from a GP colleague. I am very thankful to these guest bloggers: Dr. Diarmuid Boyle, Dr. Noreen Moloney, Dr. Kevin Lally, Dr. Frank McKenna, Dr. Niall Byrne and Dr. Pat Harrold. 

I am also very thankful for the support, encouragement and positive feedback for this blog, provided by so many colleagues, friends and family members who have taken the time to read and share it.

The blog has now come to a natural pause but there may be occasional pieces added in future. 

I hope that the blog will serve as a useful guide for anyone interested in a career in Psychiatry or indeed anyone with a general interest in the area of mental illness and its treatment. 

Please feel free to share the blog links and to contact me directly on with any comments or suggestions for future blog postings.

But for now, thank you!

Dr. Gerry Rafferty's guest blog

One of the nice things about a blog is that it can remain dormant for a while and then be suddenly reinvigorated by new material.  So when D...